My Story

I can be a stubborn person. It took me a long string of unfulfilling workdays – despite the amazing people I worked with – to decide on a mini-retirement, a trip without any goals or expectations. My friends and family thought I had lost my mind as my actions were a big departure from my usually responsible and results-driven self. I did check with my financial advisor to make sure my funds were good, though.

My 5-month solo trip around the world shifted my outlook and shed a bunch of expectations from my mind. I visited townships in Africa, wandered around Europe, learned to tango in Argentina, and took care of elephants in Asia. I met people on their own journeys. Some had made a big shift in their own life: my tango instructor was a former microbiologist in Japan, my Prague weekend friend had just divorced her husband despite family pleas not to, and so on. I started to see myself in their stories.

Once I made the decision to use my talents to help people directly, there was no stopping me. I kinda didn’t recognize myself, but I was excited – and scared at the same time. The funny thing was that opportunities to learn and grow started showing up on their own. Some were tough lessons to learn, for sure.

Now I help people make that mindset shift without needing 5 months and a passport of their own.

How are your own version of stubbornness and long-held beliefs keeping you unfulfilled?

How does taking an hour to slow down, quiet the inner critic and see if there is a different path forward sound to you?

See what’s possible when you realize no one is “shoulding on yourself” more than you.

Have a clarity conversation